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A few of the people, places, and experiences that make me who I am today.
I’ve finally made a resolution to return to blogging! This has been years in the making and now with my new Showit website, I think I can manage it! Fingers crossed, I’ll stick to it – Hopefully, y’all will help me out with that – we all need a little accountability, right?!
For those of you who are stumbling on my website and blog for the first time, WELCOME! I’m happy to have you here and I’d like to introduce myself, so here goes 🙂
I’m Hadassah, the principal photographer of Hadassah B. Photography. You likely saw that in my about page with some photos of myself, my husband, Corey, and my fluff ball puppy, Willow. I choose to photograph weddings because I am intrigued by bridal fashion, cultural differences, the passing down and creation of traditions, and, of course, love. I also choose to photograph the lifestyles of families, beyond weddings, because I want to cultivate an intimate connection with my subjects over time. I aim to be an observer who gathers moments in time; a family historian, documenting love stories in the best and only way I know while continually cultivating an atmosphere of comfort for my clients.
Here’s some stuff about me that’s not in my about page blurbs:
- I’m long-winded… at least in writing. I likely get this from my dad, who’s a pastor and uses this gift quite well. I’ll try to keep my blogs brief and interesting, but nevertheless, I thought I should warn you.
- My husband and I were just married in December of last year(2017). It was simple, quick, and freezing cold. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine going through the planning processes you and your coordinators do, I applaud you! I wanted to elope, but I also wanted to be able to share the moment with family. So, we had a sweet 15-minute ceremony in a Christmas tree farm, in December, with BBQ for dinner afterward. This simple thing was hard enough – maybe because I was so determined it’d be simple…
- I’m a huge fan of Fixer Upper. I love Joanna’s sense of style and the couple’s approach to life, silliness, tenderness, and love for one another and their kids. Jo’s style is so clean and functional and somehow incorporates those touches of a clients style that make the space uniquely theirs. I actually have begun following wedding industry peeps in Texas just in case we find a house we have to have, preferably designed by Joanna, in Texas… My dream is only slightly encouraged by the fact that Corey’s company is based in Dallas and moving wouldn’t be all too hard… But, I’ve heard it’s hotttt… and Let’s face it, I’m a Chicagoan through and through, well, a suburban one anyway, and can’t imagine leaving.
- I’ve lived in Chicago my whole life, which has spoiled me to most cities, I mean, how do you part with deep-dish, lakeshore, riverfront and amazing architecture? Am I right? That said, there are other cities I like to visit that do their own things VERY well. I dig New York and dream about Brooklyn Bagel’s cannoli cream cheese on a plain bagel and Mama Juanita’s roasted chicken from Pio Pio on the reg. Then there’s Napa Valley, CA and its wonderous rolling hills of wine grapes and Super Mario clouds. Oh, and I can’t forget Madison,WI and its amazing selection of cheese and beer, or Stillwater, MN with its small-town, yet amazingly chill mountain city vibe. Anyway, I’ve been to some pretty cool places and those are just the ones in the US! Outside the US, I’ve been to China (18 times throughout childhood, actually), Hong Kong, Thailand, and Japan (in passing). I’ve photographed events in Paris, Abu Dhabi and Dubai and I’ve explored a few (but not nearly enough) cities in Germany, Austria, and Morocco. Prague and Rome are next on my list.
- I worked as an administrative assistant for an aircraft maintenance company before I went full time with photography. That’s how I met my husband, actually. He lived in Huntsville, AL working for the same company.
- I’m super brand loyal. Haha! Well, Brand is my last name (that is totally my husband’s joke…). But, my thought is, when you stick with something, they’re bound to reward you, right? Though I’ve yet to see anything from Apple, not sure what’s up with that… 🤔. That said, I may make some suggestions on products/services, and they may just be informative enough to seem like ads… They aren’t ads. That’s just me being a little bit kooky about purchases that I’ve found and LOVE, because I love to share when things actually work. And, yes, I do offer a loyalty discount and an even bigger one for booked referrals! 😉 Feel free to ask for more info on that, and if you were referred to me by a friend, make sure you let me know so I can send them a, “Thank You!”
Well, I think that’s enough for now, I’m hoping to be doing this more often, so if you have any questions, concerns, or topics you’d like me to discuss, please feel free to reach out!!
Loved reading this. I’m an HGTV junkie, which of course includes Joanna and Chip! Welcome back to blogging! Keep it up!
I wish it didn’t have to end, so I’m watching re-runs and thinking about buying their book! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment! I’ll do my best! 🙂